recent posts at the new blog :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Yup, this blog is on the move. All the news is now at :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Here is a sneak peak at what is happening over there.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Showers! and not the rainy sort to which we are accustomed

I've been weepy all day. I had no idea how much my first shower would strip off all that fortitude and "we're fine" that I've been carefully cultivating. My mom's friends gathered around and absolutely spoiled us with generousity, both the practical giftie sort and the even-more-precious goodwill sort. Apparently I really really needed that.

Maybe it was that a shower is such a community thing. Our community of friends is now 'pregnant' too. No longer is we the lone crusaders charging the paperwork mountain. Each little package represented some busy woman's time and energy invested into Andy and Juliana. Other people got into their cars, went into stores, and anticipated the children's needs and future.

If you are reading our blog because we are linked to the blog of someone you care about that is adopting: THROW HER A SHOWER. Even though I told my hostess, I really don't think that she will ever really know how much she blessed me.

Okay, both cats and both dogs are gathered around my chair casting worried looks at me as I am bawling and typing. All typos are either tears or kitties on the keyboard.


Deb said...

I'm so glad you had a shower! It's nice when others come together and lift you up when you need it most.
Like the new look.

6blessings said...

Congratulations on the shower. It is nice to know that others care. I'm sure you got some really neat stuff. Have fun putting it all in its place!

Elle said...

Congrats on the shower! I have my first one coming up this sunday. I am actually looking forward to it finally being me.

You must post photos of some of the great stuff you got for the kids!

Anonymous said...

I was very touched by the feeling of community, of warm and caring women expressing their support for a new Mom. Listening to you, and watching as you opened your gifts, opened a well of emotions inside my heart. I was so happy to be a part of it. Love, Carol

Jennefer said...

I echo all of the other comments. You are blessed to have great friends.

A Room to Grow said...

sounds like you had a wonderful day. and isn't it wonderful when your pets try to comfort you when you are crying? they are so much smarter than what we sometimes give them credit for!

Brian & Rebeca said...

Congratulations! and good for your friends to think on giving you an special shower, sometimes people don't know what to do on adoption situations, but I also am glad I was given one.Thanks for the comment you left on our blog.
Rebeca K

Jim said...

Suzanne, this is "Jim" from FRUA. Nice blog. I've been reading it since you went to Russia but only just now signed up for a Blogger account so I could post comments. Here's hoping you'll get your court date very soon!