recent posts at the new blog :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Yup, this blog is on the move. All the news is now at :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Here is a sneak peak at what is happening over there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Who loves you?

We are enjoying great progress with Juliana recently. She has started to approach me and ask "Please Mama hug." She backed into my mom the other day for a snuggle. She crawled up onto her napping Papa twice for snuggles. None of these last for long, but we are so pleased that she is initiating. She is also better able to give hugs and snuggles when asked, though they are quite brief as she is clearly mistrustful of affection and love.

But it gets better. I've long been asking "who loves Juliana?" and her answer is always "nyeto (no-one)" Then I go through the long list of family members who love her and ignore her disclaimers. Yesterday it went like this.

Mama: Who loves Juliana?
Juliana: Nyeto
M: Mama loves Juliana.
J: Da (yes), Mama loves Juliana. (!)
M: Papa loves Juliana.
J: Da (yes), Papa loves Juliana. (!!)
M: Dedushka loves Juliana.
J: Nyet (No).
and so on . . .

but she has gone from zero to two! That is a lot!

This morning Jamie and the children are at church. I spent the night in the chair trying to sleep. When I lie down I start choking and coughing. I stayed home to rest. Jamie was looking like he wanted to rest too, but the children begged, yes begged, to go to Jesu Christo-dom (church). How could he say no?


Jennefer said...

How sweet that she asks for hugs and is learning she is loved! Nothing could be more wonderful than that!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Suzanne. This reminds me of a story I was told about one of our's group's pastors!
He was in Vietnam(sorry if I spelt that wrong)as a missionary and a local woman there decided her baby would have a better life in America. She gave her baby boy to the pastor and asked him to keep the baby. For after much thought he and his wife kept the little boy.
He had two other kids.
Although he know he was always taken care of, the adopted boy knew he wasn't loved as much as the other kids. And everyday the pastor would ask, " "john" do I love you?" and he would reply yes. The pastor would say, " John, do I love you as much as the other two?" and "john" would say no.
The pastor asked this everyday until finally after a long time, John reply, "yes, father, you love me as much as the other children"

I thought that was such a great true story.
You make wonderful parents.
Vanessa Handy

6blessings said...

I'm catching up on blogs. I'm so sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly. It is so hard to be mom and not feel good.

It truly sounds like so much progress is being made with Andy and Julianna. You are doing an amazing job.

I hope you feel better soon.

Melissa said...

2 is a big improvement. It is good to hear she is becoming a little more affectionate.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Suzanne! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Being sick with two kids (or 4!lol) STINKS.

Our girlie LOVED church from the get-go too amazingly enough. I think she sensed something there that she was/is hungry for . . . she rarely has missed a service but it's a huge issue to her if she does . . .

Congrats on all the progress!! You are doing a good job!
