recent posts at the new blog :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Yup, this blog is on the move. All the news is now at :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Here is a sneak peak at what is happening over there.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Baby Slugs

The children just presented me with a baby slug. They wanted to know if it was safe to pet, or if it would bite them. I am so pleased that they thought to inquire. I told them they could pet it, but they had to do so outside. They then asked if they could keep it as a pet. No, we are not accepting new pets, particularly not slugs. EWWWWwwww.


Anonymous said...


Those 2 are TOO cute!!!! That is awesome that they asked first, too.

Oh, and I am STILL chuckling at their "wow" reaction to my pictures :D

Jennefer said...

That moving swing picture is so neat! I am guessing that is just the first of many new "pets" that will be brought to you.

Anonymous said...

Too funny, smart little guys they are! Yes I am so impressed they asked first. Love reading your posts:) God Bless your precious family!

6blessings said...

Too cute! We have all kinds of creatures, oh "pets", come in our house. The other day we had a legushka hopping around. Lovely!! I told them they had to stay outside. We have several bug jars for these exact purposes.

Your kids are so cute. Love the swing picture.