recent posts at the new blog :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Yup, this blog is on the move. All the news is now at :: Adventures in Daily Living ::

Here is a sneak peak at what is happening over there.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bag Lady

I am under the illusion that you are all dying to know our packing plans. Well here they are for your reading pleasure.

We have 6 bags (3 check-in and 3 carry-on):

  • one duffle that has two children's backpacks inside - each backpack has that child's shoes and clothes etc. plus a flight satchel for their trip home. This duffle also holds Mom's Magic Bag of Tiny Amusements which we will hold in reserve for the long long trip home.

  • one duffle full of orphanage donations: legos, clothes, balls, crayons, coloring books, stuff they asked for

  • one big suitcase to check in which holds: extra clothes, change of shoes, amusements and activities for while we are there, food and kitchen stuff (COFFEE), gifts that we could replace in Khab if bag goes missing.

  • one carry-on sized suitcase with the bare essentials: change of clothes, toiletries, , medicines, dossier, clothes for court in case other suitcases go missing, special gifts which we couldn't replace in Khab

  • one carry-on cloth-grocery-bag style flight bag: earplugs, eyemasks, neckpillows, socks, books, magazines, sleep aids, Airborn tabs, etc.

  • one carry-on computer bag with laptop, software and electrical adaptors - if we get hassled about one too many carryons, this one fits in the top of the cloth grocery bag. Doesn't fit well, but fits.

On the way home, we'll have 8 bags (3 checkin, 5 carryon)
  • no duffles

  • one big suitcase to check in full of whatever

  • two children's backpacks on wheels to check in for children's clothes and shoes etc.

  • one carry-on sized suitcase full of spare clothes for all of us in case of motion sickness etc.

  • one carry-on cloth flight bag that now also holds Mom's Magic Bag of Tiny Amusements: matchbox cars, fingerpuppets, kalidiscopes, etch-a-sketch, fidget toys, crayons, Memory card game (great for language learning)

  • one carry-on computer bag which will now also hold the LeapPad (with splitter and two sets of earplugs)

  • two child-sized flight satchels with warm layer, finger snacks, place to put accumulated treasures (Juliana is a treasure-hoarder).


Deb said...

Not sure what airline you are flying but normally you are allowed "2" carry-ons a piece. A purse or briefcase and then your typical carry-on suitcase.
You look prepared.
Sounds like you had a great time at your shower.

John Farquhar said...

It is very interesting reading our travels in parallel. I just got done loading into the car the Big Blue Beast.... a bag of nearly 60 pounds.

You won't be doing any "in country" travel will you? We got dinged last time for having too much weight on our flight from Moscow to Novosibirsk. We may be just under the limit this time assuming that they won't want to weigh our carry-ons.


SoFlaMom said...


Yes, a must. We also packed a stainless steel coffee press made by Coleman. All we had do was heat up some hot water and viola, AM coffee to keep us going.
